Dear Ostomy Association of Singapore (OAS) members, Conjunct Consulting is commissioned by OAS to conduct a survey on ostomates experience. Your help is greatly appreciated as it will contribute to help OAS adapt its programmes to serve you better! The survey will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete!
尊敬的新加坡造口协会 (OAS) 成员,Conjunct Consulting 受 OAS 委托对造口术者的经验进行调查。 非常感谢您的帮助,因为它将有助于 OAS 调整其计划以更好地为您服务! 完成调查只需要5到10分钟!如果翻译不佳,请多多原谅,因为我们没有专业的翻译者。