Patients’ Online Support Hub (POSH)
The Ostomy Association of Singapore (OAS) provides support for those living with ostomies, or who may have had, or will end up having ostomies for colorectal or urological conditions. We offer reassurance, emotional support, appropriate advice and practical information not only to survivors and patients, but also to their caregivers, both before and after surgery.
During this pandemic, we have come up with an online platform to continue to provide this essential support for those who need it. Whether you are an ostomate or a caregiver, join the POSH session if you have any questions to ask. You are not alone on this journey, other ostomates and caregivers will be there to share their experience with you. Details are in the flyer.
Please do not hesitate to contact us via help@oas.org.sg should you have any queries.
Bouncing Forward: Getting Active After Surgery
Hear from patients who have gone through the journey, from a medical specialist and a physiotherapist as they discuss, and provide tips and advice on Getting Active After Surgery.
Register now by clicking on this link: https://bit.ly/wbnrOAS-CVT
Or scan the QR Code below:
20-Nov-Bouncing-Forward-Getting-Active-After-Surgery-Patient-SummitSingapore Experience Exchange for Patient Organisations 2021
Come join us at the Inaugural Singapore Experience Exchange for Patient Organisations, SEEPO 2021 – Uniting for Change – Advancing Healthcare Together
Register here:
ConvaTec Virtual Patient Summit

Join the ConvaTec Virtual Patient Summit on 1 Oct, Friday!
Session 1:
Session 2: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JbslldecSAiGgFI_qAPhdA
Coloplast brand ambassador
Join Coloplast brand ambassadors from around the world and be one of the first to try SenSura® Mio in Singapore.
Brand ambassador benefits:
• Be part of a brand ambassador community
• Opportunity for speaker sharing engagement• Bring inspirations to other ostomates
• Be one of the first in Singapore to try the #1 ostomy brand in the world, SenSura Mio, with a VIP pre-launch trial
Register your interest here: https://bit.ly/cp_ba
Patients’ Online Support Hub (POSH)

Many newly-diagnosed patients, and patients who needed to decide if they should get the surgery, had lost the regular opportunity to learn first-hand from Patient Ambassadors about their lived experience with an ostomy.
This was yet another setback forced upon us by the Pandemic. In May 2021, the Ostomy Association of Singapore teamed up with the nurses in Ward 47 in Singapore General Hospital to pilot POSH – the Patients’ Online Support Hub.
Patients recovering in the ward, those who wanted to find out more before the surgery, and their caregivers could log in to a Zoom session and talk to Patient Ambassadors to find out more about coping with the condition on a day-to-day basis, amongst other things.
The POSH sessions have since been extended to the other hospitals in the SingHealth cluster. It was heartening to see the children and grandchildren of the patients helping their loved ones to manage the technical aspect by helping them to log in to these sessions.
Making full use of technology, the sessions have also given the opportunity for the Patient Ambassadors and members of the Colorectal Support Groups in both NCCS-SGH and CGH to touch base and meet online on a weekly basis, with the privacy of the one-on-one sharing maintained through the use of breakout rooms.
Any holistic healing process must include the psychosocial component, and the OAS is happy to be able to play a role to support the hospitals in this respect.
OAS-Coloplast Care Webinar: Better Ostomy Care for your Unique Stoma Profile

Continuing its collaboration with partners, the OAS will be hosting a webinar as part of its Patient and Healthcare Professionals Education Series.
You can join the webinar by registering via this link: https://bit.ly/wbnrOAS-CP
Date: Saturday 28th August 2021
Time: 2.00pm to 3.30pm
Dr Chew Min Hoe – Senior Consultant, General and Colorectal Surgeon, The Surgeons Pte Ltd
Ms Doris Lai – Ostomate
Ms Iris Ong – Clinical Nurse Specialist, Coloplast
Don’t miss the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and tips on how to manage your stoma for a better quality of life.
See you at the Webinar!
Happy Nurses Day!
The Ostomy Association of Singapore expresses its thanks to all nurses, for all that you do and we truly appreciate your efforts and sacrifices especially during this Pandemic.
Happy Nurses Day 2021!