Ostomy supplies available for OAS members

To our members, good news – we have the following stoma bags and supplies from Coloplast available for members:

Coloplast PNDescription
15480Sensura Closed Opaque Bag
11804Sensura Uro Transparent Bag
10186Sensura Closed Transparent 60mm
12074Brava Elastic Tape Straight Shape
2833Alterna Extended Wear 60mm
2832Alterna Extended Wear 50mm
14249Alterna Convex Extended wear 60mm
14246Alterna Convex Extended wear 50mm

Each member is limited to only a total of 5 pieces and supplies are subject to stock availability. 

To indicate what you need, kindly complete the application form here: http://bit.ly/coloplastsupplies

Alternatively, you can also call Joan at 9826 9625 to make a request. 

If your request is successful, the supplies will be mailed to the address provided on the form. 

Closing date: 19 May 2021, Wednesday

OAS-Coloplast Care Webinar

OAS is continuing the Patient and Healthcare Education Series for Ostomates and Nurses. Join the OAS-Coloplast Care Webinar held this Saturday, 20 March 2021!

This Webinar is accredited by the Singapore Nursing Board. 1 (One) CPE Point will be awarded upon full attendance and submission of full name and SNB Registration Number. Registration closes on 27 March 2021, 23:59 and can be done here: http://bit.ly/3vqc4hN

Optimal Timing in the Treatment of Colorectal Cancer

In conjunction with Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, Singapore Cancer Society (SCS) is collaborating with Farrer Park Hospital and Ostomy Association of Singapore (OAS) for their March’s support group online event!


  1. Understanding the needs of those living with Conditions due to Colorectal Disease
    -By Mr Ellil Mathiyan Lakshmanan, President of OAS
  2. Optimal Timing in the Treatment of Colorectal Cancer
    -By Dr Charles Tsang, Farrer Park Hospital

Date: 13th March 2021, Saturday
Time: 2pm to 3.30pm
(Please join 10 min earlier as the session will start promptly at 2pm.)

Register now via this link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VZJZs4uHTZe1p6jSZ4UJZw

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Get (Your) FIT (Kit)

It’s Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and Singapore Cancer Society is giving out Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) kits which help to detect colorectal cancer. The FIT kit can be collected at no cost and can be completed from the comfort of your home.

Eligibility to collect the kit:

  • Singaporean or Permanent Resident
  • Aged 50 or above
  • Have not done a FIT screening in the last 12 months
  • Have not done a Colonoscopy in the last 10 years

There are a few collection points:

  1. Singapore Cancer Society Main Office
  2. Guardian Health & Beauty Stores
  3. Watson’s Personal Care Stores

*Please check Singapore Cancer Society’s website for more information on the collection points and also the user guide:


Focus Group Discussion with Singapore Cancer Society – Cancer Rehabilitation Centre

In collaboration with Singapore Cancer Society, our President, Mr Ellil Mathiyan co-facilitated a focus group discussion with Ms Aw Hui Zhen for the Cancer Rehabilitation Centre. Held on 26 February 2021, the participants were fully engaged and lively.

How to maintain your body muscle in old age


The Colorectal Cancer Support Group recently held a Zoom session on the topic of ‘How to maintain your body muscle in old age’. For those who missed the session but are interested to learn more about this, the recording of the session is now up on our website.

You will be able to find the video under the tab ‘Support Groups’ > ‘SGH-NCCS CCSG’. Enjoy the helpful and educational talk by Ms Anna Jacob!

Survey on Colorectal Disease

Ostomates and caregivers of ostomates, please share your valuable input!

The Ostomy Association of Singapore (OAS) is conducting a survey to understand the needs of members. This information will help us work together to address the services that are needed the most, help us set priorities and in the long term also advocate for policy development.

Please complete the survey here: https://bit.ly/3j7mvAp (For Singapore Only)

We thank you in advance for participating in this survey and for sending your response to us. Together, we can work towards a better quality for life for all ostomates.

Ostomy Awareness Day 2020


Colorectal cancer is the number one cancer in Singapore, with over 1,200 cases each year.

Many who are diagnosed with the condition will have to live with temporary or permanent ostomies.

An Ostomy Awareness Day Webinar will be held on 10 October 2020, Saturday, at 11am. Join us to hear how young ostomates can live a full and active life with a stoma. You will also hear from a young ostomate and a caregiver on how you can manage and overcome the condition.

Register here to book your slot: https://bit.ly/2GUylzM

This Zoom webinar is organised by Ostomy Association of Singapore, in collaboration with the government and restructured hospitals in Singapore, and Sozo Wound & Stoma Care.

(Note: 1 CPE Point is available for HCPs.)