Up to 78% of people develop a parastomal hernia after surgery to create a stoma, usually within two years of surgery. In many cases, parastomal hernias are treatable with lifestyle changes. Wearing an abdominal support belt can not only help to prevent, but also help ease symptoms once the hernia occurs.
The OAS is holding a webinar in partnership with Omnigon and Intega Healthcare on HERNIA PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT FOR OSTOMATES.
All doctors and nurses are invited to the webinar, via Zoom to hear from an expert in the field.
Please email us at help@oas.org.sg to register if you are interested. A confirmation will be sent to you upon registration. The Zoom details for the webinar will be sent a few days before the event.
Do share this with any doctors and nurses you know so that they too can benefit from the expert advice.
See you at the webinar!