We’re collecting unused stoma supplies! Do contact us if you have any.
CoRE Webinar Series: 29 June
The upcoming topic of ‘Covid-19’s Impact On Patient Engagement In East Asia’ which is part of the CoRE Webinar Series on Contemporary Topics, will be held on 29 June 2020 via Zoom.
Click here to register: https://tinyurl.com/CoREPatEng
Programme details can be found here:
Update on support belts & garments
The brochure for support belts and garments by Intega have been updated.
Please note that for now, they are only available at:
Sozo Wound & Stoma Care
Novena Medical Centre
10 Sinaran Drive #09-01 Singapore 307506
Tel: 63972456
SCS SemiColons Support Group Gathering
As part of our efforts to have more synergy between SGH-NCCS Colorectal Cancer Support Group and SCS SemiColons, the two will take turns to host the monthly Support Group Gathering. The next gathering will be hosted by SCS SemiColons on 13th June at 2.00pm.
Join here: bit.ly/2zpdH7A
Completed our first ever online AGM. Thank you for joining us on our 6th AGM!
We will be forging ahead with renewed vigour!